Non-Mechanical or Artificial Life, Male Technopath (Outside Nanotechnology)

69 447

This is the special battle suit made with nanotechnology, inspired by the Saiyan armor. It is very resistant to damage, giving maximum protection to Yuuko.

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well idk if this counts as it's a nanotech suit but here's his partner and BFF Scarlet

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Time to give this a try! This is Haze! He’s an inventor and nanotechnologist :3
(He also has mechanical arms that form on his back x3)

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9. Like my hair, i can also form whatever weapon or object i wish with my nanotech (ver 1 coat)

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3. My purple hair is due to nanotech extensions, so I can also make them longer

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I can use nanotech to make my extensions longer, but i might have to give up parts of my coat for it...

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A comparison between the original Alt. Rilo design with his big mecha hand and a redesign done by with a small intervention of mine when choosing the color for the nanotechnology of his new mechanical arm.

This redesign is from Alt. Rilo after meeting Time, Lina's oc!

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Distant purifying use of and new emerging Mollusks, mangrove roots, algae and other aquatic species have the ability to clean water. ‘living’ purification devices help to clean the water. The waste gets

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Nanotechnology, messenger RNA combined in possible new ‘universal’ COVID-19 treatment

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growable and wearable house: inspired by typical the disk from which the house grows is inspired by a Pu-erh tea cake. Manufacturing process: and nano-manufacturing inspired by growth processes.

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The Genesis Proxy, An AI with a nanotech slime body that goes around absorbing knowledge and worlds. She was made to do so to preserve knowledge for an extinct race Gal has destroyed a few different dimensions pursueing her objective.

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I love these ideas!!
It's one of the reasons my dragon has hologram spikes and cyber wings. Nanotechnology opens the doors to some cool stuff!!!

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▹ Female
▹ Height: 5'9"
▹ Everything purple/pink glows
▹ Mask, gloves, wings, and coat are removable/retractable as it's nanotech
▹Ryzane can have a hood on her coat!

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nanotech 個展「Face to Face」 明日9/18(日)まで

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nanotech 個展「Face to Face」 最後の3日間9/18(日)まで
水-金12-1930 土日祝12-18

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nanotech 個展「Face to Face」 9/18(日)まで
水-金12-1930 土日祝12-18

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nanotech 「Face to Face」 9/18(日)まで
水-金12-1930 土日祝12-18

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nanotech 「Face to Face」 9/18(日)まで
水-金12-1930 土日祝12-18

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