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You have no idea how many people became Napoleonic War Reenactors over just this series. https://t.co/GDcLNhvpRz
Eleonore Prochaska(1785-1813),"die Potsdamer Jeanne d'Arc" #napoleonicwars #Befreiungskriege (1/1)
work—1st Polish Light Cavalry Lancers Colonel Grani #Arknights #アークナイツ #グラニ #Franch #napoleonicwars #KsięstwoWarszawskie (1/1)
I never thought a piece of art I posted would get over 100k views in 48 hours. 🎉🎉🎉Thanks so much for the likes & I'll drawing more Napoleonic War artwork afterward!
1812 Преображенский лейб-гвардии полк #RussianEmpire #napoleonicwars (1/1)
ナポレオン戦争 斉射後に前進するハイランダーとそれを迎え撃つフランス擲弾兵
Napoleonic Wars: Highlanders advancing after volley fire and French grenadiers attacking them.
ナポレオン戦争 イギリス 王立騎馬砲兵
Napoleonic Wars , British , Royal Horse Artillery
ナポレオン戦争 フランス大陸軍 ポーランド槍騎兵
Napoleonic Wars , French Imperial Army , Polish Lancers
ナポレオン戦争 イギリス第95ライフル連隊
Napoleonic Wars , British , 95th Rifles
ナポレオン大陸軍 騎馬砲兵
Napoleonic Wars ,French The Great Army ,Horse artillery
Napoleonic-era St. Gloriana
Thanks to the patronage of Mayor
How many men does it take to crew a Napoleonic warship?
Watch the full video here: https://t.co/eUZMJnKYaV
Here and now
Napoleonic wars British Hussar
#イラスト #illustration #digitalart
Andrieux made a particular speciality of battle scenes, notably episodes from the Franco-Prussian, Crimean and Napoleonic wars
#artist #painter #arthistory
art: Clement-Auguste Andrieux "Allegory of Death" c.1860
Birthday in the park: Pierre Jean François Turpin 1775 -1840, French botanist and illustrator ...... one of the greatest illustrators of the Napoleonic era...... https://t.co/Pwy1aCiaB4 #botanicalillustration
A couple of small portraits of mine from a few years ago. #ArtOfTheDay #painting #artist #traditionalart #ArtistOnTwitter #drawingoftheday #Napoleonic