Короче , увидела просто прекрасную пижаму и вот вам Арт 🥰🗿👌
Я подумала а что найс

10 41

Day 3 - Mafia

its more a modern mafia au.Sasuke and his organization.İtachi the leader.kidnappin Sakura(for whatever you want :D)but Sasuke didnt want to play along.because feelllinngs!!etc

45 239

2004.01.08 - 11 PM

Naruto AU Week Day 2 - Mythology & Folktales


5 18

Day 2 - Arranged Marriage

of my my alltimefav stories! pity its uncompleted but still friggin amazing!

Forced to call you mine

23 99

Some Naruto sketches while watching the show. This was supposed to be in an AU world I was dabbling with, based on the original Naruto pilot manga...🤔

0 3

Octp icon for christmas 👀
Inori (Inojin Selery) 💖✨

I also open commission in this style if you want only started from 30k ($5)

I will open Padoru style too later xD

4 6

Вдохновлённая остами из Наруто, захотела аушку по этой вселенной :D

0 11

Slowly started building my Instagram profile dedicated to my upcoming story
Wondering if I should make separate profiles on other social media too... 🤔
Decisions, decisions...

0 14

Made my realize that Shippuden indeed robbed us of Jinchuriki Gaara. Could have been awesome <3

3 5

Post apocalyptic AU where Akatsuki is a rescue squad, bound to risk their lives in order to save the survivors.
I captured the night Sasodei enjoying each other, cause each of their moments could be the last
>Sasori is a human

5 52

Нару по нашей с и фэнтези ау!

Жабный шаман, маг ветра, дудец на флейте (но это еще не точно), natural balance

8 42

подросший бору по нашей с и ау, где он застрял в прошлом

тут тип период, когда Джи еще тренит нару, а Бору пока сидит в конохе, сам по себе учится

9 42

just realized I forgot to twt this when I remade my account!!

7 21