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グラフィックノベルを刊行する「nbm」からはQUEEN、「ZIGGY STARDUST」デヴィッド・ボウイ、ジャニス・ジョプリン、ウィリー・ネルソンらの人生にフィーチャーした(内容だと思われます、多分)本も入荷予定です。
https://t.co/EfXA5dkZ8K https://t.co/MFpAav85bc

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Timothy Callahan is rightly moved by the “audacious beauty” of Canciones: Of Federico García Lorca, a new NBM edition of poems adapted to comics by the artist Tobias Tak, who died in 2020. https://t.co/ihX0EAyqph

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Chocolate Totem - Resource Pack - https://t.co/wdeZaTS5Ep - By D7NBM

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Being a suicide girl and at the same time having ability for NBM is a big plus.

Especially when you have an incredible pair of legs.

Publish in Feb 20 in my Patreon.

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Some of my latest patreon work, nbm and conjoined illustrations, and headswap and horror comics.

New comics will be released this month "My night with Rhonda" and "The head store"


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Some people on an nbm server and I came up with the idea of creating a calendar for the year, each month involving a different character from Anime, Video Games, etc that's canonically detachable.

So! For the NBM Calendar, January 2021 is Frost from Mortal Kombat!

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先週 NBM から出たウォルトとロイ・O・ディズニーの生涯をコミック化した『The Disney Bros.』を読んだ📖


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Two friends playing with a magic sword.

Posted in January 2017 on my Patreon.

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My frozen spaceface tentacles aggressively jutting out as i look up at tall bois in cutscenes aljfndkjw nbm.

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These parking lots for legs are very appreciated, where the girls can leave their legs while occupying an alternative pair or only keep their lower half.

We remind you that leg stealing is a crime punishable by law.

Publish in Jun 2018 in my PATREON

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