The that B3ndis manages in with gives me an INTENSE DISGUST. ¿AT WHAT MOMENT thought that was a good idea? He RUINED the character as much as he could 🙃
has been saved, but Sentry...

0 1

El (#mentalismo) que maneja B3ndis en con me da un asco INTENSÍSIMO. ¿EN QUÉ MOMENTO pensó que eso era buena idea? ARRUINÓ al personaje cuanto más pudo 🙃
ya ha sido salvado, pero Sentry...

0 0

Imma pretend that Dceased Jon just came to canon and B*ndis verse just died

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Government withholds $1.6bn from NDIS

128 164


When things go tits-up syphons off more money from the he has the hide to tell us all, "How good am I?"

WTAF ???

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