Corryn version from Suzune Corryn
Revision 2022-12-10 (Dec 10th, 2022) less blur

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My name is over there on Corryn's body 🥰
深い意味はないですよ!EHE~! 😏

Thanks for the supporter appreciation! ❤️ I'm very happy to support 😺🍼!
We reached two milestones in November! Terhura 😭...

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November is ending 😭 but we still need more eNeNeN 🍼
"Mamak, Mau Nenen!" - Corryn 😭🍼

clip source:

Art by: Eisel

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schedule for next week is up!
Schedule is subject to change, and any changes will be mentioned later.
Guerilla streams are not listed, so stay tuned too ^^

Wish me and my internet luck T_T/

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This week's schedule is out! Please do come and watch, especially this Sunday's livestream since it discusses an important matter!
The base language will be ID but if you don't speak ID, please say so in the comments and I will gladly speak EN right away ^o^/

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Alright, sorry for the long wait, I'm not dead yet (hehe) and there are schedules for this week! schedule is up! Please come and watch :3

PS: All Phasmophobia records will surely be released some time, please excuse this Neko's slow working pace :"D

2 18

This week's schedule is out! It's only two this week because Necorryn needs to study for exams >< And they're all collabs!
Please do come and watch, okay?
For Sunday's play, Necorryn will try to record for later upload, please wish me luck so the record's a success!

1 9

This week's schedule is out!
Please mark your calendar and clear some time to watch me ><
I'd be happy to see you in my streams~

1 20

Hi, everyone! This week's schedule is out!
Schedule is subject to change, and if there's any change, it will be announced later.

Hai hai, jadwal minggu ini udah keluar lho!
Kalau misal ada perubahan, tenang aja, nanti pasti dikabarin :3

1 19

This week's schedule is out! Please come and watch ^o^/
Jadwal livestream minggu ini, guys! Datang dan nonton ya ^^

Subscribe if you haven't:

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