The G.O.A.T. Demon Pseudo Jump Scare O.E. 7days 3Tez each!!
If these Demons don't terrify you in some way then you are either A-Possessed by one of them, B - You are one of them, or your C - Your already dead!!!

1 5

The Most Infinitely Glitched out, Intensely Colorful and Wicked Skull In The Entire Universe!! well so far..... -1 of 1 for make an offer ....
story worth reading below

3 10

The Angel of Death Be Making It Rain- 1of1 for 7 tez
This amazing never seen before found VHS footage appears to depict what looks to be the Angel of Death... (cont below)

3 14

Liquidity of the Surrealist Mind - 3 ed. each 3 tez
Welcome to a hidden world of fantastical sights and colors melting and merging into a beautiful collage of wondrous things. (cont. below in descrpt.)

2 7