That’s a wrap on NejiTen month

(Don’t worry tho this is still gonna be NejiTen/Team Guy Central I cannot be stopped)

32 119

Day-31 Free


44 155

Saw “pirate au” and couldn’t decide between captain and first mate or enemies to lovers so I just did both

Say thank you to Edward Elric for forcing me to learn how to draw braids

15 56

Day 29 : Wedding 🌹🕊
From now to forever, we are always together

27 84

Shine the sun and the moon ☀️ 🌙

Artist:有只Nara; reposted w/permission

37 108

Day 25: First date
Una foto grupal en la cabina fotográfica, no puede salir mal? verdad?
📸 Digan Juventud!!

(Day 3, April 27 Festival )

13 40

I know people really like giving them kids and that’s fun but also I really like the idea of them just being the cool aunt and uncle

16 77

Neji how is he going to live vicariously through your relationship when you’re so private about it

(I saw springtime of youth on the prompt schedule and this was all I could think)

26 79