✨Now ‘NEKO’ are available, Let's pick up the nekoyoga second edition series 03 on Opensea!✨

Drops on 26th March in blind box format 📦⁉️
Price : 0.025 $ETH

63 66

nekoyoga series 3 will release to Opensea town on Sayurday ✨✨

⏰ Drops on Saturday 9 PM [GMT+7 BKK] / 9 AM [GMT-7 NY] in blind box format ⏰
Price : 0.025 $ETH

43 52

Let's pick up the nekoyoga first edition series 01 Now available on Opensea!

Drops on 12th March in blind box format :
Price : 0.025 eth

0 0

Waiting for tonight, nekoyoga series 01

Drops on 12th March 9 PM [GMT+7] in blind box format :
Price : 0.025 eth https://t.co/mAYqzhseMi

8 6