We finally have the full chibi set of... of... well shoot we still need a name. All art is done by the utterly amazing

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Our resident Fungi country boi, Morric Evergreen has finally joined the ranks of the chibi army by the super talented (if you haven't checked her out yet …. what are you waiting for!!) He has the best conversations with trees.

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Beware those double barrels! New to the chibi family is our very own genius firecracker halfling with a hair-trigger Anorah. Super thanks to for making this spitfire adorable

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Who ever said that slimes can't be cute has never laid eyes on our very own barbarian slime boi in chibi form. Thanks again to for bringing our wholesome rage machine to life. Go check her stuff out you won't regret it.

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Howdy yawl, the wild man has enter the scene and now in an adorable format introducing our very own chibi Henry. Thanks again to for the amazing work, definitely go check out her stuff

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