I'm excited to play Bloodborne again after literally -years-. The brainrot was heavy in 2016. This art is old and has aged, but it still has a soft spot in my heart.

0 32

"Min what did you do today on stream?"
I turned magic characters into Muppets.
This is my life.

22 151

Name a character you'd like to see in my art style!
(Examples below :V )

3 37

Final Fantasy Tactics had a really cute art style and it's a shame it's overlooked.

14 80

Can you believe it's been one year of me just making shitpost art?
(I can.)

6 86

Hey look these two that I drew for-fucking-ever ago.

3 41

Reminder that I draw too fucking big and focus on parts that no one is going to actually pay attention to.

14 93

Here's to the PNG I made for the FFXIV collab that I have used for a total of once.

2 64