画質 高画質

This is right but its just mostly because Amuro’s wardrobe is never that difficult to remember, look at my wife dawg he dress like a hobo lah https://t.co/ZJ6oBK5g8r

2 24

Most figures of MGR Raiden also allow him to hold the knife as well, despite it never being used like this in-game.

It's interesting how much it happens with these Armored/Cyborg characters

0 1

here is the picture so you can add it back for me (your long time loyal Super Duolingo friend)and i will never touch the avatar creator again

0 0

A cute gag + ship dynamic combo that I never get tired of

214 1279

Original character with a spear I came up with
while I was bedridden for the past week!
I was imagining Shantae games while drawing her, so despite the tight dress, bosoms, and legs, she is totally a wholesome character!
Also, I never tried any Shantae games.

21 210


「 随分お利口なわんこやね(笑) 」

  C o C 6 t h





822 1397

is a consistent artstyle edible
//also I'll never betray you ever again round brush o<-<

43 254


Kinuyo "Yakyuuken? I've never done it before, so tell me about it!"

278 1679

hair killed me, it never stays the same

3 39

Taira sensei will teach you something that you will never forget! 😍🩷🩷🩷

371 2299

Bonus: me wondering if I'll want to use tones as usual or go flat reds, and the pose reference.

(and no I've never actually watched Friends lol)

0 17

my experience was whenever I want to talk about boobplate, ppl who's on opposite usually directly think of monstrous close-fit metal tits with deep cleavage, and then insist on the lack of functionality. so there was no discussion space at all. I sometimes don’t even know if it… https://t.co/8PqDCq0Xum https://t.co/LXbRRByO5B

334 4971

War...war never changes

21 93

i hate spider man. i wish that comic just end. and i wish it ends with peter digging his own grave, while mary jane marrying paul and have tons of babies.

the new ultimate run is boring, and the kids should've died in the first chapter. i never liked the concept of him and mj.

1 37