Such a diverse selection of work from our artists - Beau Gregory Giles's fantastical visions, Abigail Stokes' striking graphic prints & Mark Robson's beautiful paintings.
Exhibition ends tomorrow - don't miss it!

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Galina Hristova is one of the talented artists in our exhibition, she is a painter & performer, & enjoyed being in the gallery yesterday, talking about her striking original artworks.
Show continues until Sat 5 Oct

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Kaylee McHugh is one of the artists exhibiting in our show. She's a new mother & says she's often most creative at night after her baby is asleep. Her focus is on oil portraits, often alluding to her comic artist background.
She'll be in Sprout on 1st & 2nd Oct PM

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from KOFs
I luv this character desing... so sexy and hot man. But the way so interesting.
➡➡support my art on patreon ⬅⬅
Rewards 5th day useful 🏁Link below. *Psds, jpegs 3k-4k, nudes
Step by step ➡

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Time New Faces ( The King of Fighters)
Yashiro, Shermie e Chris
Yaoi/Hetero piece
support my art on patreon😊
Link below. *
*Psds, jpegs 3k-4k, nudes
Para acessar e saber mais click no: ➡

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The BEST way to ice break, it'll definitely "melt" all those ice away for sure *loud moans and slapping noises echoes* 😋

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Red Hat
Bored of this face - message me if you'd like to sit for me

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