My first work from my collection "The elf in reality" - Elf of the element of earth🌱

0.15 ETH
Format jpeg (6.1 Mb)
Size: 7087×9449 px

Available on Opensea

33 91

Guys, I present to u the second work from my collection "The elf in reality" - Elf of the element of fire 🔥

0.15 ETH
Format jpeg (6.9 Mb)
Size 7087×9449 px

Available on Opensea

38 100

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1️⃣About me➡️
2️⃣NFTworks available on Opensea➡️
3️⃣All my arts➡️
4️⃣Video processes➡️
5️⃣About my studies➡️
6️⃣Contests & marathons➡️

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