I'm drawing today, what are you doing today?💗

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2/2 - Here is the process timelaps of how Dragon Bep was made :) Hope you enjoy this as much as i enjoyed creating this Cacti! :D

⏲️ 10Min Ninja Window Drop
⏰ 14:30PM EST (Berlin Time)

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2/2 - Tribal Bep
This cacti's mask summons the spirits of nature.

⏲️ 10min Ninja Drop
⏰ 16:00pm EST (NEWYORK)


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G-Power loading 🌀👨‍🔬🖤🔊

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1/2 recently I've been noticing when when i draw the process of creating calms me. I loose track of time and I am so focused. Here is a Timelapse of the process behind Bones Bep

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Snick pick of an original illustration, now in vector color made by Anna Deinek

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