Am Charlse mbeh,a Nigerian artist, this is my work title "I am a part of your life too" drawn wt pencils,alone you can't change d world bt u can cast a stone in the water 2 create ripples,
Help this go VIRAL!

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My name is Charlse Mbeh ,am a Nigerian artist,these are my drawings drawn with charcoal an attempt to raise awareness on racism and poverty DUE TO bad governance.. (Check butterfly for details)
help me

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The result of 2015 Nigerian general elections
States won by Jonathan (in green) and Buhari (blue).
What will happen today?

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Reporter to President: If you lose this election will you accept defeat and congratulate the winner?

President Buhari: I will congratulate myself, I'm going to be the winner..

What does this mean for democracy?

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Its about to get HOT in here .This cartoon was published in the star newspaper

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Do you follow the series?
It's an animated series on civic education.

Check out the sub on and

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