Drawing elves is always the best ✍️ I wish Blizz could give us the Nightborne Npc outfits, they look so cool! 💜✨

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Fun little red dragon visage concept cause the new red hair and golden eyes from Nightborne fit their aesthetic so well

16 355

Artheil, astronomer, alchemist and mother. It has a new look and I love it!🥺💜
Gwinda, the rum thief. But only Hydron's rum is good rum.😏💚
My beautiful Meshela. Independent nightborne warlock.😍💜💛
And Alruna, an angel-elf girl living in a private world.🥰

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fem draenei and nelf look best in it i think... but i dont have either. i think my nightborne rogue is closest

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Thalyssra redraw 💜

I've fallen out of love with Thalyssra in recent years but it felt good to draw one of the OG nightborne trio again✨

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Uh, we never got a Lightforged v/s Nightborne one (but we did get two Kul Tiran v/s Zandalari)

49 456

A nightborne botanist who has half of his face, torso, and entire right arm made of arcane wood !

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With heritage set questlines returning in 10.0.7, will you consider adding in the unused colour swaps for the Nightborne, Lightforged, and Mechagnome heritage sets?🙏

They've been unused for years now, and I'm sure many players would love to use these 💜

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I offer my lovely nightborne lady, Jezebelle!

Your art is absolutely beautiful btw!

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Here's one I haven't used much! His name is Lumias -- he's a Nightborne spellsword kinda thing (I forgot their name, Legion was a LONG time ago XD )

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My half-orc Deka and @/twilekprince 's nightborne Araneolus. She's about as tall as his chest-level

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Thank you for the chance! My nightborne Shalyssae :)

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I would love to see what you do with my Nightborne Vasandereu

Art by @/Lianeige99 and @/Palitania_Art

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