The Nightfolk leader description by

Been a long while since I draw something from this podcast, wish I honestly had time to make a comic of it with how well it’s described

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Girlbeef took over my brain so I started it anyway

I like the idea that finlay is a nightfolk/albinauric with prosthesis

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My latest character in I named her Astaroth. A member of the Nightfolk who would rise to become the Lord of Night and bring about the Age of Stars with her queen, Ranni 🌟🌑🌌

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my nightfolk tarnished getting absolutely lost in the babushka scarf sauce

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9) Isaac Wallace

The other of Cita's apprentices alongside Raul, he's a prickly weapons tech who spends most of his time to himself working on his next creation. Completely grew up around mages and nightfolk, so doesn't know how to talk to Sleepers.


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Was it ?
She wondered many times as she stared at the ceiling above her bed.

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