3/31に秋葉原UDXで開催されるメロンブックス様の超同人祭に直接参加致します!今回は前々からやりたい!と思ってたNIIKEのビスケットちゃんの本を薄いですが出したいと思います٩( ''ω'' )و

10 18


4 9



0 0

Today's Gyaruo is Kazuma Kamikubo from Lover Pretend! His style of choice is Oniikei!

24 201


0 4

MAE NIIKE WTTEER. Now on sale.

1 9

Okay... Its just the "Sillicon" part from NIIKE robots... I think ITS not

32 796

NIIKE「Air Max 2017」のプロモーション動画は、製品のシルエットをファーやメッシュ、空気などの製品の構成要素で描くことで、軽さや機能性を直感的に表現した作品です。
言葉や説明が不要なクリエイティブは、カンヌライオンズ デザイン部門でGoldを受賞しています。

10 369

Today's Gyaruo is IV from Confession Executive Committee's Idol Series! His style of choice is Oniikei!

27 160

Yo! Piloto, navegador e maquinista durante o dia e VTuber/Vstreamer a noite. Niikemi, às suas ordens!

Atualmente faço lives no YouTube e na programação principal temos conversa/chit-chat e games! Venha dar um "Oi", minha guilda de maquinistas é bem acolhedora! ⚙️⚙️⚙️

5 16

Today's Gyaruo is Klavier Gavin from Ace Attorney! His style of choice is Oniikei!

170 614


Uniikelcii The Ubiquitous

She is an alicorn but she has no physical wings. Her mentor however, taught her how she could use her cosmic abilities to project them. She eventually learned how to project their size & fly

OG Designer

8 53

Today's Gyaruo is Iori Kirishima from Tokyo Yamanote Boys! His style of choice is Oniikei and Host!

8 56

Today's Gyaruo is Hifumi Izanami from Hypnosis Microphone! His style of choice is his attire for being a Host, although he's been shown in Oniikei.

( please give him the attention he deserves. )

256 560

Today's Gyaruo is Lico from BlackStar -Theater Starless-. His style of choice is Oniikei!

34 107

Today's Gyaru(o) is Banri Settsu from A3! His style of choice is Oniikei!

169 280

Today's Gyaru(o) is Shiki Iseya from iDOLM: SideM! His style of choice is Oniikei, and sometimes Amekaji!

126 257