just happened to try nijijourney. it wasn't what I wanted 100% and idk how to tweak it 😭

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Her reference sheet was generated by nijijourney. So I put all my heart into my desire to dress her in a Chinese dress because she is absolutely adorable!!😆💓 I think that desire won over the AI.💪✨
Thank you for responding to my appeal!


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**DD Kong**
BroDDコング 照れてる❔🤭
This is very much pulled by Satoshi from Pokémon.

Generated by NijiJourney.

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わどるど かわいい
Wadoldo, it's cute. The inner colour, eyes, etc., are pulled a lot by the blue, but maybe that's a good thing this time.

Generated by NijiJourney.

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"akken chang"
I am amazed at the very clean output. The AI is amazing because it can output this picture with just a few words and a simple prompt.

Generated by NijiJourney.

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Professor GoriRabbit as a young man. His hair was still short and he was very young, but behind his eyes he already had the qualities that lead him to where he is today.

Generated by NijiJourney.

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"Brown girl INNIN"
The Midjourney one has a proper grey skin colour, but NijiJourney doesn't seem to be grey, only a proper human colour. Well, brown girls are cute and that's also good.

Generated by NijiJourney.

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Normally, AI would always give him an odd eye without me specifying it, but today, no matter how hard I tried, he didn't get an odd eye. But I like this fragility of him in this picture.

Generated by NijiJourney.

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StableDiffusion(7thだったかなぁ?覚えていない)の甘雨ちゃんをPromptを加えてNijiで出力。こういうのがもっとうまく出来たら嬉しい。Used an image generated by StableDiffusion and outputted with prompt added in NijiJourney.

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One thing I've noticed that is pretty consistent across models is that if you mention flowers anywhere in the prompt, it will go n u t s on it. Holy moly, though, it makes gorgeous pictures in nijijourney.

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So, my friend from discord got invited to Nijijourney. She generate such adorable little piece here, owh ma gad!!! ❤❤❤

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