nikaidou's backstory was so beautifully animated

109 457

🥺🥺omg did i manifest shota nikaido

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i've used this hair like 3 times oh well nikaido riku au

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Shin - Noi - Ebisu - ColorArt

CAP. 96

(Próximamente publicaré coloreos de one punch man y edens zero)

15 53

tsurune: tsunagari no issha (the linking shot) second key visual. there’s a reason why that green ribbon is held by nikaidou. can’t wait to see how the remaining episodes of season 2 would execute that from the light novel. :)

12 55

Estoy tan feliz por esto🥺
De las mejores sensaciones del mundo yo tengo la de mi youtuber y artista favoritos de kof en un solo vídeo
Y 👌
Gracias SNK por hacer esto canon!! 🤧🥰

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🍈Yamato Nikaido🍈

56 145

Happy Birthday Yamato Oniisan 💖💖💖✨✨✨✨🎂🎂🎂🎂

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Today is the birthday of Yamato Nikaido from IDOLiSH7, happy birthday!! 🎂💚

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