Nisemonogatari (2012)

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Oui ça peut être vu comment ça, neko shiro c’est la partie où hanekawa devient enfin fidèle avec ses réels sentiments, ou elle arrête de faire semblant. Après techniquement Hanekawa met des lentilles dès nisemonogatari, donc bien avant dans l’intrigue

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we don't talk enough about how amazing senjougahara looks in nisemonogatari. I really love the colors in this season

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Just finished Nisemonogatari those final 3 episodes are boss! 🔥

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Portadas de la edición normal y de coleccionista del manga de 🔥

⬇️Los mangas y novelas ligeras de

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puc puc redraws some of the scenes from the anime in their own style and this nisemonogatari one is still a favorite

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Definitivamente, una gran experiencia, que se ha sentido parecido pero a la vez diferente que Bakemonogatari y Nisemonogatari. Sin duda ahora no me arrepiento de haberlas visto.

Leed las novelas de Monogatari, si os gusta el anime después de leerlas os gustará aun más.

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especially the Nisemonogatari version

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Référence à la fameuse scène de nisemonogatari ep 8 dans Genshiken nidaime épisode 3

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Thread: Staff of Fire Force 🔥

Director: Yuki Yase

Previously an employee of studio Shaft, Yuki was the director of Mekakucity Actors and The Kubikiri Cycle (Zaregoto). He also directed episodes of Durarara!! (7, 13, 19, 23), Nisemonogatari (2, 4, 11) & Madoka Magica (3, 10).

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Wasn't a big fan when i first saw her haircut when first aired but looking back at it now... yes please.

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