

586 4765

🍕As long as he has a face, Peppino will have a place to sit🍕

5 32

Banana Penguin Power!!!Eyyyyyy

11 50

To be honest, I have 0% hope that Shu will use bunny ear, but anyway I made it. ...Just for sample pic.

And I will allow to use this asset as non-profit fan edit (for bunny Shu)...


36 126

New tags!!
but I'm disappointed there is no # YaminoAss

4 17

直播tag: # Yaminow
Cosplay: # DressLikeShu
配件: # YaminoAssets
封面縮圖: # Shumbnail

22 192

Have I mentioned that I finished Assassination Classroom? Anyways ends without updates sorry oops. Ironically I watched the last episode on my graduation of 10th grade. Story is touching and funny, music slaps. Although a slow start, turned out great!

0 2

This is Woody This is Woodie Gochild 😩

0 2