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3 6

What residents thought were the sounds of vengeful ghosts turned out to be the sound a mostly nocturnal bird, making thunderous clapping noises as it flies. This species has yet to be properly named

0 3

ffxiv portrait - aislinn nocturne 🌿

1 33

Elixir Nocturne [ シ-08b ]です。

Synthesizer Vを使ったゴシックメルヘン×ボーカルアルバムの予定です。


23 66

By the way, if you use regular airbrush, stronger line art and brighter color palette, you'll get the soul hackers 1 era instead

Or the maken x/p2 era if your colors are darker

Interestingly enough, RK2/ SJ era have more softer color choice than RK1/nocturne era

0 17

\New drop on Opensea/

"Floral nocturne"

List: 1/7(SUN) 22:00(JST)




54 111



43 343

やっと完成…!スマホの壁紙にどうかなと思ったんでサイズ合うようでしたらどうぞ (報告してくれるとうれしい)

90 378

Emotes for Nocturnaz Naar 👾
(♡ ᐛ )人( ᐛ ♡)

32 235

Antojo nocturno junto a traducción por qué si

10 89

🌡️Fiebre Nocturna🌡️
Demonios, si que les gusta este tipo de comics, eh? ctm xD <3
((Parte 3/3)) FINAL

140 4215

🌡️Fiebre Nocturna🌡️
((Parte 2/3))

146 5361