Also let me shar something new with ya'll. Deep Ones are known for being bloodthirsty cultist of the old gods but the Deep Ones of the temple of Shinzosui follow a creed of nonviolence. The peaceful fish-folk only attack if provoked and seem unconcerned with the world around them

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May all the violent become peaceful. Resolve conflict through dialogue and May there be no more killing and no more war anymore.

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“When the Sun of compassion arises darkness evaporates and the singing birds come from nowhere.”
― Amit Ray, Nonviolence.💙

Good Morning with Masao Yamamoto.

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Today, it is the International Day of Nonviolence.

It should also be the International Day of Non-Hypocrisy.

In malangacamisetas, as the case may be, we ask that, in the case of Paz, do not shoot the Dove.
Thank you.

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