si, volví a rehacer algo viejo para intentar sentirme mejor conmigo misma.
Spoiler: No funciono xd

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OC drawing I did last year, and this year...glad that I actually improved 😊

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I know the hashtag is slowing down, but it felt too perfect for the new start of posting my art again!

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2019 vs 2014
Encontré este dibujo antiguo de 1º de la ESO y quise hacer el porque me gusta mucho redibujar cosas antiguas, y de paso sigo a la multitud con este "reto?" bueno, espero que os guste 😊

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This isn't even my most recent because I did not know how to draw these characters and Rean looks so eugh but its close enough.

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Might as well throw up a to show some fun progress. It's crazy how much you can change when you have something to focus your progress like an indie game....

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like 2011 i think maybe 2012-2019. I could like pull out some of my middle school doodles if I wanted but I decided to keep it like as like when I more or less started digital art. back when i did mspaint mouse drawings of minecraft OC's.

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I'm a little late to this but I redrew an oc I made in like?? 8th grade??

2015 -> 2019

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I'm pretty sure 2011 me would be shook by how I can draw now.
I find this reasurring ... at least I've improved 😊

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I pretty much only make fanart, but regardless... I'm quite happy with my progression drawing digitally.
2016 vs 2019

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