I haven't drawn these guys in a while.
I thought Crowley would maybe join in and let his hair grow longer during quarantine.

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I felt like it was time for a new icon after all this time.

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The wife and I took a nice, lonesome walk with the doggy earlier 💚.
It's finally flip flop season again 😍. Also I am so happy to have a sketchbook that likes watercolors again.

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Since Easter is coming up I thought I'd introduce a bit of the holiday lore from Leslies world.

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Happy Halloween 🎃!
Hope y'all are having a great time tonight! Stay save and protect your local black cats! 💚
I really wanna watch a scary movie tonight 😍.
What are your plans?

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It's been a while since I took part in a DTIYS, but when I saw character over at instagram, I just had too 😭💕

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(Unpaid ad/unbezahlte Werbung )
Posting this here too so more people can see it 😊.
If you're interested in other things than busts feel free to contact me as well! I'm just opening these up as a start.

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Have a happy, fat cat! And have a nice Thursday 💕💕💕

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