Recalled Marvel Comic. NGEN Only a handful of people got this rare comic before it was pulled. Art by Sean Chen and

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Portrait of Ronald Sugar, former CEO of Northrop Grumman, one of the largest defence contractor firms in the world. For the LA Times (2009)

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What did we get for two trillion $$? Lots of happy military contractors.#BOEING , to name a few.

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(法蘭西三色油漆) 戰略高速偵察機 SVR-1偷窺者 (Voyer)/ SVT-1 母狐狸 (潑婦) 「列日重工業」和「達梭航太」和「諾斯洛普·格魯門」開發公司 pixiv

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戰略高速偵察機 SVR-1偷窺者 (Voyer)/ SVT-1 母狐狸 (潑婦) 「列日重工業」和「達梭航太」和「諾斯洛普·格魯門」開發公司徽標已添加
pixiv Aviation

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