My work for
It's a phone wallpaper you can download for free ! 🦎💕✨

I'm so happy to be able to draw nortluchi with mini luchi having fun in summer 🔆🌊🌴

Go check out the zine!!! you'll find a lot of wonderful illustrations, fics, and photos you can enjoy 🥺!

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3. LuchiNortLuchi
(yes i am switching them too)

I don't remember since when i started to ship them tho 🏃‍♂️ But i like their relationships. It's funny and segsy also erotic too 🤭

Maybe both of them are taking seriously about their jobs (?) both looks like a workaholic.

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nortluchi warm up doodle before disaster

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🙈ty Saichi! Here a cute blue nortluchi pic I got on my recent match 💙

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Nortluchi but poorly drawn

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