New exhibition by Opens 20 Sept - 2nd Oct at St Margaret's Church, Norwich, NR2 4TU. 'Release' 60x60cm, mixed media on canvas. Time 11am-5pm. Sunday 11am-4pm.

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20 Group member David Jones has been creating these beautiful plant drawings from his garden during lockdown, in the absence of life drawing. David said, ‘I find that the slightest breeze makes them move about much more than human models.’

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20 Group member, has sent these beautiful paintings. Her work explores the horizon inspired by the huge skies and ever–changing light and atmosphere of North Norfolk.

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20 Group member, David Woods: ‘Here is my interpretation of the plan for Tatlin’s Tower. This monumental construction was designed to stand in St Petersburg and said to be ‘made of steel, glass and revolution’ but was never completed.’

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Mary Spicer’s ‘Tracks to the Beach’ will feature in the upcoming Group exhibition, Winter Light, on at the Theatre Royal. The PV is on 23 January, 5.30-7.30pm.

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Work by our members Frank Pond, Joanna Reynolds and who feature in our current exhibition, Norwich Twenty Group: Celebrating 75 Years.

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Work by our members , , Martin Laurance and Mary Mellor.

These are a few of those who will feature in our upcoming Norwich Twenty Group: Celebrating 75 Years.

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Here are two great photos one of the early meetings of the Norwich 20 Group at Sir Garnet Wolseley, Norwich in 1950 and a life drawing class in Norwich in 1944. The group celebrates its 75th anniversary this year and has over 90 artists!

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