Panamerican "elephants". A photo manipulation of Notiomastodon and Cuvieronius i did some years ago. Cuvieronius was really abundant in central america, the Tomayate locality yielded several individuals, from juvenile to old adults.

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Results from the
Carnotaurus for , Notiomastodon, Giganhinga and Tuberocephalosaurus.

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AND described the 1st evidence that lived up to ~9000 years ago! That means it lived in our current era (the Holocene)!

(the 2 tusks sampled by et al, donated by local people)

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Morning warmup sketch. Gomphotheres of South America. Notiomastodon (left) and Cuvieronius (right). Both elephant relatives ived alongside the first human inhabitants in the Americas for thousands of years until they went extinct.

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