Tory MPs you must be sick of the media circus around Johnson.

My advice today.

Get the job done....



54 69

Move on, ?? This is Lotso The Bear. T drawing was sent to me by a 7-yr-old for an event I ran to boost spirits. The bear ws a gift frm her grandmother, who died in a care home. She never got to see her again. She's still talkng abt it. YOU STOP TALKING.

21 93

Be in no doubt, to Boris Johnson, Dominic Cummings is more important than Coronavirus containment and public health.

78 125

Brits aren't prepared to follow Guidance anymore If the rules don't apply to everyone.

People will die cos Boris Johnson refused to sack Dominic Cummings.

8 8

So we're from and still think How will the morons in charge respond? ...

344 592

Right you 'orrible lot! After the general shithousery of this week have a lovely weekend - stay safe & DRINK SENSIBLY!
(I'm still but we're all better than people like that! x)

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