My top 50 artists countdown, Gipi (Gianni Pacinotti) is an Italian cartoonist, director, teacher, and writer. An author of rich bibliography, whose Notes for a War Story won “Best Book” at the Angouleme International Comics Festival.

6 32

Questa è la storia di una donna e di un uomo che si amarono in pienezza, evitando così un'esistenza banale. L'ho serbata nella memoria affinché il tempo non la sciupasse ed è solo ora, nelle notti silenziose di questo luogo,che posso raccontarla.

15 45


0 11

O frenetiche notti!
Se fossi accanto a te,
Queste notti frenetiche sarebbero
La nostra estasi!
Futili i venti
A un cuore in porto:
Via la bussola,
Via la carta
Remare nell’Eden!
Ah, il mare!
Se potessi stanotte
ancorarmi in te!

Emily Dickinson

5 6

“The symptom, as relation and knotting of the Imaginary, Symbolic and Real, outside of meaning or knowledge – is not a message to and from the Other, no longer interpretable, but a necessary result of the encounter of ...

1 9

Tomorrow: Uni 10 til 1 then travelling to Nottingham for !! Am so excited!! I missed it last year as covid finally got me. Today is packing, have a LolBit who ill be cosplaying on Saturday

0 4

Hello I’m Lydia Zanotti. I like colorful stylized art, and making maps for FPS games.

Would love to follow more of you!

61 787

Briseide si rivolge ad Achille:

"Tot noctibus absum
nec repetor.

Cessas iraque lenta tua est".

"Sono lontana da tante notti
e tu non mi reclami.

Indugi e la tua ira è lenta".

(Ovidio, Heroides, III, versi 21-22)

12 20

Witchblade pg 19 (1996), inks by D-Tron, colors by J.D. Smith, letters by Dennis Heisler

1 18

Jayce: I don't own this one, but Brighthammer is such a cool concept. Especially with that light-circle
Ezreal: He's got multiple really good skins but with him being my first main, Nottingham just has a special place in my heart. I LOVE the way they updated it <3

0 1

On June 28, witness the birth of the Merry Men in TALES FROM NOTTINGHAM 🏹🗡, my direct market debut w/ !

Robin of Locksley returns from the Holy Land to an England he barely recognizes so he takes matters into his own hands, with brutal results

9 33

I Giorni e le Notti
in questi miei nervi d'arpa
di questa gioia malata
Giuseppe Ungaretti

Luulik Kokamägi
Tallinn. Talv,

7 11

The second of Hammer's four Robin Hood films airs at 7.20pm on this evening. SWORD OF SHERWOOD FOREST (dir. Terence Fisher, 1960) stars Richard Greene in a reprisal of his TV role, with Peter Cushing as the villainous Sheriff of Nottingham.

6 23

May I introduce you to the bounty-killer Gonzalo Raccoonzolo, the banker Marleno Raccunotti and the bandit Rack Fero Tenaglia Er Pistola JR! 🦝⭐️

3 5

I hadn't forgotten that tf poll. BEHOLD Shep into the Sheriff of Nottingham from Robin Hood

22 87

Ah~ That Right
Welp It Notting Change☆
(My Birthday? How Fast...)

0 1

You know how I used to say Nottingham Ezreal had the prettiest splash art, well, there's a new number one

29 293

Che ne sapete voi di che cosa passa per la mente di una donna quando vive per anni,per migliaia di giorni e di notti nell'attesa,nella continua illusione delusione? L'amore può trasformarsi in odio...o in follia.
Le paludi di Hesperia

9 17