- day 7 💕: kisses

a tame cheek kiss for today

31 60

i cant rly spare time for new content but please have my two fave doodles of these two for 🥺❤️💙 i'll link my fics below too 🤠

10 27

- day 4 🌈: happiness

wonder game - blue bird, red queen 14: "and so, the two of them lived happily ever after"

48 100

- day 4 🌼: flowers

lilacs and daisies : first love and affection

44 77

Im a bit late but i really wanted to do the past/future prompt^^

5 13

- day 2 🍞: food

"senpai, you got meat juice all over me"

72 144

Day 3 - Food
(ft. Subaru)

30 72

- day 2 💫: past

fake natsume-chan card as an offering to get a real one in the near future 🙏❤️

26 57

this doubles as a happy halloween

5 11

Its still the 31st here so
day 1: pain + promises

This is kinda lazy wah sorry

33 61

|| あんスタ つむ夏

Did this little doodle from @/tmnt726 's fic for the first day of ntmgweek2021!! It was really nice to read, I highly recommend it!! Link in the comments! 👀

19 33

- Day 1 ☕️: "what are you smiling about?"

good job at work today senpai~

61 111

『 Reminder 』
1 week left until Natsumugi Week!! Get those finishing touches in and we'll see you all in a week when the event begins! 💙❤️

10 9

『 Reminder 』
2 weeks left until Natsumugi Week starts!! Make sure to look at the rules in the carrd and we look forward to seeing all your creations soon! ❤️💙

13 22