/ obkk / nukenin kakashi pt2 ~^.^~

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Happy birthday to our lovely Nukenin, and ex member of the Mugen Tenshin clan. She escapes from her Home to avente her brother. One of My waifus of this series. Happy birthday Kazumi 🎉🎊🎂💙🤍💙🤍💙🤍💙🤍💙🤍

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As if they never became nukenins.
🇧🇷: Como se eles nunca tivessem se tornado nukenins.

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She was inspired by the kunoichi/nukenin Kasumi so there’s that.

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Ela, aos 15 anos, improvisando uma atuação digna de Oscar no meio de um combate e enganando simplesmente um nukenin absurdamente experiente

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Sarada não se tornará Hokage!
Ela não ficou no mesmo lado em que todos os membros do time 7 que viraram Hokage ficaram.
Mitsuki foi confirmado como o futuro membro a se tornar nukenin.

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A maior atriz do universo de Naruto, meus amigos!

Até um nukenin com nota máxima em inteligência caiu no teatro da lenda e tomou o bote (isso quando ela era adolescente).

E ainda juram que ela perde pra certos personagens que têm 2 neurônios na cabeça kkkk

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チケットはこちらから →https://t.co/mP12MqXwnQ

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今回の可愛いフライヤーはイラストレーターことりさん ()による描きおろしです。Nukenin音楽のライブをやるとなればフライヤーをことりさんに頼むしかない!と考えて依頼しました。
チケットはこちらから →https://t.co/mP12MqXwnQ

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・おしのびさん -ソラオの手裏剣ショット-
近日リリースのNukenin最新作+これまでの作品のオールNukeninというラインナップにてお送りします https://t.co/mP12MqXwnQ

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Theme: None

"People don't understand that when I'm in the mist of chaos, I'm at home. I'm able to pretend I'm a child training with Hayate, and that my father is proud of my growth." Kasumi looked down. "In that moment, I'm not a nukenin; I'm a survivor."

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É claro que a Sarada é bem criada

A mãe dela aos 16 anos tava socando nukenin semi-morto que desrespeitou a avó

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Fez um antídoto pro veneno de Sasori em poucas horas, o que nenhum ninja médico de Sunagakure fez, salvando Kankurou do veneno do nukenin.

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・From_. + Piano Works[カセットテープ!]




・World for Two vol.1[CD]


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Dès demain (Mardi 26/01) à 21H retrouvez moi en Live accompagné du Kage et du Nukenin pour parler du Chapitre 54 de Boruto; du Sort de Naruto et du Nouvel Arc qui se profile dans le Manga !

Activez un rappel pour ne rien manquer
▶️ https://t.co/HtFUtdvzfq

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Another throwback from before the nukening. My 4 gals drawn imitating DT's art style.

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More stuff from the nukening. Another request from the Draw Threads. I think this is from Pokemon, IIRC.

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More stuff from the Nukening. A small compilation of River City Girls stuff I drew. I should draw some SFW pieces too, but the coomer content takes precedence here :^)

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⚔ 𝑈𝑐ℎ𝑖ℎ𝑎 𝑆𝑎𝑠𝑢𝑘𝑒 ⚔

- Le Nukenin de konoha

By cyrshady 🌸

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