15. Favorite Historic event

⎯ the battle above the god’s eye
“‘you have lived too long, nuncle.’
‘on that much we agree,’ daemon replied.”

(art by Daniel Coronel)

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Was briefly possessed and drew OCs as trolls (+1 of Carey)

Bonus Fushia Carey cos shes canonically a Pisces, I just thought rustblood suited her more.

And obligatory troll!Snuncle and Diece doodle. I have a problem.

(Colors may be off I haven't homestuck'd in 4ever)

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Also Snuncle (snake uncle) and his Diece (dog niece)!

Tough Love belongs to !

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So and I did a really sweet RP with Carey learning a bit about her snuncle (snake uncle) Tough and just how much be trusts her. Blood pacts and drugs and fun stuff happened!

Then he told her about his bracelet and oof ow my h e a r t.

Tough Love belongs to Hebby!

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web comic log[ゆずしお][マーリン×アスクレピオス]

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r a p p a n u i
16" x 20" acrylic on canvas, 2018
Commission for DrunkenUncle_ sold

By artist TheusIxion on Twitter
See more: https://t.co/DtLAMmdMHP

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old commission of Asha Greyjoy and her Nuncles - Euron, Victarion, Aeron, Rodrik

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i drew my outfit because I thought I looked like a cool uncle (holy fuck I almost just wrote nuncle)

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“Your choice is simple. Crown me for peace & victory. Crown my nuncle for more war & defeat. “What will you have, ironmen?”
“VICTORY!” shouted Rodrik the Reader, “Victory & Asha!”
“ASHA!” Lord Blacktyde echoed. “ASHA QUEEN!”
Asha’s crew took up the cry. “ASHA! ASHA! ASHA QUEEN!”

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“I prefer my history dead. Dead history is writ in ink, the living sort in blood.”

-Rodrik Harlaw

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