Since Bridget won the she wins a picture drawn of her by me!

Bridget fans, any prompts or suggestions for Bridget art?

4 49

DNUnofficial is 3 years old! 🎉 3 years of chapters, merch, exhibitions… Perhaps a new anime will be next?
Thank you for your support! 💜

7 41

そういえばなんだけれど、うなぬんさん(@ unanunofficial )がとても丁寧に僕を動かして下さったからまつ毛も瞳孔も綺麗に動くんだ。凄いだろう?とってもお気に入りだからみんなに見てもらおうと思って。(ウキウキ)

2 15

Sometimes you need to lose a battle to win a war

(Ava tops version 😅😂🤪🤘🏻💕)

16 89