Working on art for a new RPG, Nuovarden, by . Snippet of art below. And, a slew of fey-related art for an upcoming 5e adventure series set in the Feywild.

Irl prof: juijitsu blue belt, sword/shield champ at the Virginia Acad. of Fencing, & assorted h-t-h wpns ;)

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Ttrpg live now playing in one shot of Nuovarden on

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Later today (4/13) @ 5 PM PST will be a Nuovarden one-shot. Check out the K*ckstarter by to brush up on the home-brew world before the game.

Players: , , , and .

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So Wednesday on twitch channel I will be doing a one-shot for and of their new game Nuovarden.

Just finished making my character. Can't wait for you all to meet this old man who believes any problem can be solved by throwing hands.

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Casting calls are now open for next Wednesday (4/13) @ 5 PM PST. This will be a by as we play a one-shot, a game created by .

Requirements: microphone, camera, and a willingness to learn a new system.

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Tomorrow (3/16) @ 4:00 PM PST will be with & from as we chat about an Indie TTRPG with a brand new system & a home brew world. Join us for the K*ckstarter launch & enter for a chance to win a copy of the game

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2 more days till the Quick Start v.1 launch for a new system by ! Its rules-moderate, but dynamic, allowing for depth & breadth of experience in imagination that equals other systems, but with fewer modifiers, increased narrative, & greater player agency

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Casting calls have opened for Nuovarden! This is a light-to-moderate rules system with open-ended player agency and a distinctly non-medieval sci-fantasy setting. The will take place on Sun @ 1:30 PST starting Jan for four/five sessions, if interested please message me!

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