" - Are you alright?
The woman asked. She who became my sun."

Cloaktober's art in December? It is more likely than you think!
14. Sun Cloak

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Day 31 for , Cloak of Jack O's.

Cloaktober was a fun one. Might put these up on the shop later on.

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- Day 30
🇧🇷Your Nation's Cloak🇧🇷
I am late with this entry because I was extremely conflicted with my feelings towards my nation.
I carry little pride for "my nation" but I have great love for the natural world around us and it will always be my home.(1/2)

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Happy Halloween! comes to a close, with the Invisibility Cloak! Originally, I wasn't going to draw the cloak in the drawing, but I felt adding it adds to it!

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Here's the 31 pieces! Thanks everyone for participating! had a lot of fun! As always it was a treat to share and discover what you guys made for the occasion! (I'm exhausted tho haha)

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If you happen to enter the forbidden swamp of darkwater Milena the mushroom witch will be able to help you get out of this mess ! This deadly swamp is infested by mushrooms and other evil fungus, without the proper knowledge you'll end up badly poisoned for sure !

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Day 30 Your nation's cloak

Thanks so much for hosting this drawing challenge!

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day 30. Your Nation’s Cloak// Mediterranean Cloak

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Jour 29 du dans la forêt sombre où ça prépare quelques citrouilles! 🎃 ⁦

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Day 29 - Mushroom cloak

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Day 29 of complete, with the Mushroom Cloak! Had loads of fun with ideas for this one!

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Day 29 for , Mushroom Cloak.

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Day 28 for , Funeral Cloak.

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The wolf witch from the woods has a lots of treaks down her sleaves ! Her magic can easily patch and unpatch physical matter. Some say that she changed her whole body to look like a wolf permanently, or that someone did that to her, nobody really knows.

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! 26 ! weapons !
Jrin mother was quite proud of her son. She tought him everything she could about engineering since he was a little boy. Seeing him fly in the sky was one of her proudest moment. But a real flight test needs some proper challenges don't you think ?

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Because I'm one of these people who find utmost beauty in a floating plastic bag, I've recorded this lost cloak that I've stumbled upon once.

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28. Not all necromancer wishes to join the undead when they pass. However most have no choice in walking with the restless hordes, no matter how inviting it would be to lie down in their coffin in endless rest.

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28. den Inktoberu, téma "kempování" - dubánek si postavil stan z knížky, zapáli táborák z čajové svíčky a opekl pár maršmelounů ... a já se nemůžu rozhodnout, jestli je hezčí černobílá nebo barevná verze. Která je podle vás lepší?

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