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Did you know Goblin Shark jaws are faster than most cobra strikes?!
Goblin Sharks' (Mitsukurina owstoni) jaws can move at 10ft (3.1m) per second!! They are generally quite sluggish but can snap into action as an ambush predator. These are so fucking cool!
Meet cute smol shark, reaching only 1.16m (3.8ft)!
It's the Pacific Smalltail Shark (Carcharhinus cerdale)! You can find them from the Gulf of California all the way to Peru! Very cool!
Did you know Porbeagle Sharks (Lamna nasus) can live in almost freezing waters?!
It's so cold humans would lose consciousness in <15 mins! These sharks survive by warming important parts of their body up, called regional endothermy!
©Doug Perrine
Did you know that Spotted Ratfish (Hydrolagus colliei) have a RETRACTIBLE BARBED PROTRUSION ON THEIR FOREHEAD TO HELP THEM HOLD ON WHEN MATING?!
This has to be one of the coolest adaptations I've ever heard of!
©Jacqui Engel
Have you ever heard of the Copper Shark (Carcharhinus brachyurus)?
- Also known as the Bronze Whaler due to coloration
- Found in patches throughout the world
- Reach 3m (10ft) as adults
- Born measuring 60cm (23in)!
© Rudie Kuiter