For the younger amongst us, Manchu (Philippe Bouchet) was the designer of the Odysseus ('Ulysse 31'), one of the most iconic and unjustly forgotten spaceships of all time

26 67

Here, his perhaps best-known 'History of Science Fiction' (Ward Shelley, c2011)

15 48

Ok, let's spice up the day with a couple of Erik Desmazières's 'Villes Imaginaires' (1998), which, to my eye, totally belong in Jean-Paul Jungmann's 'L'ivre de Pierres'. & the

15 60

So, there you go: Unreal Estate (2010) /Hypertourism in the XIII Century (2011)

18 44

(LIX) Egor Orlov's Cybertopia, The Digital Future of Analog Architectural Space cc

41 84

And: (LIII) Michael Jia's incredible chained geometrical distortions et al. cc:

15 33

Lebbeus Woods (IV) Cities and cyberpunk: Berlin Free Zone (1991) cc

64 129

Some more Lebbeus Woods (III) goodness from the 80s: Cities (II). A-City (1987) cc

99 223

'Cannabis Works', or the amazing work of storyboard artist Tatsuyuki Tanaka cc:

152 380

(XLI): Louis Lozowick Lithographs of a Diesel Age, Constructivist America. via

41 94