Day 12 of my drawing challenge and next up is 's wizardy kobold Azurite!

If you're in need for some cheer or a joke, VGKid's a sure go-to! Positive feedback, memes and a pun dispensing machine. Y'all best be ready to smile😎

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Day 11 of my drawing challenge and next up is 's cocker spaniel gnoll ranger Emma!

If anyone hasn't seen NoodleLazer's art, you are missing out! Her use of colors and shading are phenomenal! She's also got mad skills with MS Paint!😎

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Day 10 of my challenge and next up is 's quite 'extra' dragon, Decadence!

If there's somebody on here who inspires me the most to draw, it's Schmoogin. Her art style is fun and unique, her writing is brilliant and she makes me laugh.

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Day 9 of my drawing challenge and next up is Victor, belonging to the good boi from Cork, .

Harry is quite quick with the wit and will deal you a meme in a flash. I'm glad to have been given the chance to draw his character. Hope ya like it!

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Day 7 of my drawing challenge and next up is 's character Raven Abernathy!

Ty brought forth compassion and empathy while playing as her warlock. For her teammates and friends, she'd fight bravely and true. She caused quite a few giggles too.

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Day 6 of my drawing challenge and next up is 's terrifying lad MIL!

Hype is not only a craftsman when it comes to drawing monsters and cool armor but is also one of the most encouraging artists I've seen, offering much support to others.

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Day 5 of my drawing challenge and next up is 's shark boi Jack Thrasher!

Luzzy makes so many great lizards, dinos, reptiles and denizens of the deep with outstanding expression. After drawing Jack, I see how fun it is too. Hope ya like it!

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Day 4 of my drawing challenge and next up is 's dancin' nymph Dandy!

The hard part was deciding which character of yours to draw because you have so many good ones but I really did want to draw her. Hope ya like it!

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Day 3 of my drawing challenge and next up is the self taught artist with a messy mohawk and hypervigilance. It's 's OC Sekhmet!

You've got great style! Hope ya like it!

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It's December 1st and start of me trying out

Day 1 and first on my randomized list to draw is Jess from 's comic series Paranormal Paradise!
Hope you like it!

More OCs to come throughout the month!

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