
Maaff ada yang tau gak ini quest apa?? Pernah lewat di tl tapi lupa simpen gambarnya, yang ada anak kecil cewek rambut pendek warna coklat(?) terus belakangnya oceanid😭😭 tia!

1 24

Tehe! Venti roh angin, Makoto dan Ei inkarnasi petir (Raiden Voiceline), Nahida batang pohon Irminsul, Oceanid Furina awalnya dari Pure Hydro Energy... kira-kira Zhongli juga tercipta dari elemental being(?) Gak ya?

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objectively it's funny how the male lead in the little oceanid has similar fringe to neuvi 😂😭

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New genshin oc- 👀👀
He’s an oceanid, mute, and is exploring the world.

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😾 : No, not an Oceanid, Lessig !
: I think you are misunderstood, Eula…

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// genshin spoilers

idyia, in greek mythology, is an oceanid. is this the first time we've seen an oceanid's human form??? SHE'S SO PRETTY

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Oceanides (Naïads of the Sea), by French painter Gustave Doré (1860-69). In private collection.

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Meet Dvalin's coworkers!!


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"The Oceanides" è un'opera del pittore e illustratore francese Gustave Doré creata intorno al 1860.

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Amphinome (she of the surrounding pasture) is the Nereid, daughters of the god Nereus and the Oceanid Doris, who feeds Poseidon's flock.

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I mean la oceanida y el artefacto tienen sentido juntos pero anemo?!?!?!?

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Lah pake oceanid tapi batunya Anemo 😭

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what kind of geo char needs oceanid mats and hydro artifacts ashdfhsdhds

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why am i a cryo but uses oceanid mats and hod artifacts from inazuma 😭

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“As Oceanids em geral não concordam com os planos e ideais da nova Arconte Hydro, a Deusa da Justiça, e, então, se recusam a reconhecer ou apoiá-la.” da para acreditar que essa querida com esse chapéuzinho conseguiu fazer as oceanids correrem de fontaine

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I think this kid is a oceanid or oceanid related character. this "horns" looks very similar to the rhodeia and endora "horns". And the fountaine logo that got leaked

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I can't be the only one who thinks these look like oceanid tails, also her eyes are water drops so that's cool

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Okay and what about previous Hydro Archon?
Her name Vepar, and she created all of oceanids
I think she was hydro sword user (like Focalor now, seriously I want Focalor with sword)

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