Gregor von Bochmann
"Launching a Fishing Boat in Holland"

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2017年発表、ドイツ製ブーツ「Kochmann MAD CROSS
(コッホマン マッドクロス)」

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»Tony Sandoval (Wasserschlangen) hat mit Doomboy eine äußerst bewegende Geschichte geschaffen, die kein Leserherz unberührt lassen kann. Sein einfacher Strich stellt die eigentliche Geschichte um Trauer und Verlust in den Vordergrund.« Uwe Lochmann, Sammlerecke

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"Let the water carry me away..." 🌊

My fourth Eurovision Illustration is dedicated to who will represents at with his song 'River'.🇵🇱

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🗺 Central Atlas für zoologische Gärten. Part 1, 5.
Dresden ;Expedition der vollständigste Naturgeschichte, [puis] E. Blochman, [etc.], 1862-

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2017年発表、ドイツ製ブーツ「Kochmann MAD CROSS
(コッホマン マッドクロス)」購入。僕が知る限り、プロダクト製では最も探していた形に近い。彼を初めて見たあの時から29年かかったが、夢はいつか叶うことを知った。

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En attente
Gregor von Bochmann

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U-18 1,800円

U-25 2,500円


U-18 0円!!

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"Nada es tan fuerte como la nobleza...

Y nada es tan gentil como la verdadera fuerza"

▪︎Ralph W. Sochman

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Steven Fergusson Hochmann
Concept Artist

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Bocetos rápidos de personajes para pasar el rato, de hecho hasta tienen lore.
Son una familia de nobles que luchan para el rey. Sus nombres son: Rador Hochman, Marial Hochman y Shermy Hochman

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Biggie, our guitarist and his manager went to Indonesia and had a chance to talk with Latief Noor Rochmans who featured his interview in the local newspaper in Yogyakarta - Minggu Pagi. Thanks to Yanti Nurhandayani, Lia Yures and Ryordan as well!

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an original playmat design that I was asked to create for Alan Hochman at Pastimes comics & games. Done for the Ixalan release season. It was one of the most epic commissions that I have done in a long time. All five lands, all of them playmats that linked together!

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Ciurej & Lindsay Lochman’s “Natural History” (2014) inspired participants of "Paint like Hockney" to create selfies.

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