Alamu anu, alamu anu, anangochoka alamu anu

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ねもぺろムギュッとアクキー | HarikoChokan

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背の順でんぱマグカップ | HarikoChokan

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Here are two!! Delilah & Lucina !! (Art for the first 3 done by @/Kochokachow and the last one by @/ShortbutFeral )

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I got a whole squad but here's one ! (Art by @/kochokachow)

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I believe this is what the kids call "sick as hell" (Art by @/kochokachow)

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Sorry for the late upload,m everyone. But I decided to do a real quick doodle of an older character from my ochoka species, Tabareea. Hope y'all like her!

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Coto is an expert medic able to stich up dang near anything!! And also is a total sweetheart so they'll give you a strawberry fruit roll up after giving you a flu shot for doing so well. (Art by @/kochokachow)

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"i think i'll do sketch only...."

OMG what have i done????!! //suddenly finishing the artwork

LipxLip with WMMAP characters
based on CHOCHOKANO Whitedays

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Versión terminada, un poco extraña la verdad, estoy mensa y no supe hacer la pose D: pero el punto es que me divertí haciendo esto jsjs

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