The 6 Degrees of Valerie. Recognize any of em? 😜

Link to blank template if you wanna make your own:

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To protect the innocent and guide those worthy to treasures untold. I am always here for you, adventurer!

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Gonna keep these all in a thread to avoid spamming my page up. Next character is Laurada! Her primary inspiration was Erza, the other three are mostly for the waifu factor since, well, all four are my waifus lol.

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Should really be working on my but I saw this meme going around and I couldn't pass it up since I get to share the inspiration behind my OCs! Lord knows I've got tons of those.

First is Amqueela!

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allrighty then. This should be fun

Inspiration for Thomassin of Sertal.

1⃣ Itto Ogami (LoneWolf&Cub)
2⃣ SF-Inquisitors (WH40K)
3⃣ Cloud Strife (FF7)
4⃣ Auron (FF10)

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