ATTENTION, everybody!
This upcoming Friday at 7 pm EST, I'll be doing a LIVE with Kennie! Voiced by the one and only !

You can submit your questions here or wait and ask them live! But either way, direct them at HER, not me!

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Been a while since I've done an Thinking of doing one with Kennie.
Reply with a question for Kennie and after a couple days I'll answer them in character.
Make sure you address it TO Kennie, tho. I'm not answering any questions addressed to me. Thems the rules.

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Terry: Those who can help, must. If we don't, who will? No evil King is gonna conquer this or ANY reality as long as I'm here. Count me in!
Kathryn: Psh, this "king" doesn't know who he's messin with! I bet we can send him and his cronies packing before dinner!

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"I'm actually not, but I get the confusion. My cross is a family crest. The Scarletts adopted the Cross as our crest back in the day, due to its symbolism of redemption & forgiveness.

This crucifix was my Mom's. I wear to it to help remember my roots."

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