Octowober Day 24: Farm
This is from a classic I watched as a kid, and this is Farmer Zuckerman from Charlotte's Web, along with Wilbur and his friends in the back.

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-20 "Cookie"

I got to pick todays prompt. hehë

FT~ because I love him and he is my cookie.

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Day 13: Curse
It's just a game, you don't have to curse, come on! :o

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kind of cheated with this one because I had already sketched it but octowober 8 - moon. kigu cuddless <3

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Octowober I made a mistake! I mixed up assimilation and amalgamation so this is actually 10 but I drew it for 7! guess ill draw assimilation on the 10th XD

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7 - bone! still need a name for this sweet little skull doggo. just... dont ask too many questions about where that bone came from..

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Day 7: Assimilation~

Looks like all these raccoons are starting to rub off on me! owo;

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And also Octowober 4 - dark! Decided to do a cute sleepy piece of my precious starkip babe from <3 Thank you so much for this sweet boy.

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day 6: Flesh!

Blanked on this one a bit, so I drew a BIG ol chunk of ham before it got too late cx

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Day 4: Dark

A bit different than my usual content, and dark in more ways than one

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October 3rd: Mythical or Pet
Leif fed their pet rock! (sorry for peaking with the first prompt it's hard to be consistent ;;)

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First day of Looks like there's another prompt list under the same name so go check that one out too :0

October 1st: Smoke Or Mirror
I chose mirror!

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