💥Guadalupe. Un road trip fantástico', d'Odyr Bernardi y Angélica
💥Meal Almuerzo de bichos, de Blue Delliquanti con Soleil Ho (públic juvenil)
💥Quiche de puerro de Bianca Pinheiro (També per a públic jove)
💥Chester 5000 de (eròtic)

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Yo te recomiendo de nuestro sello de cómic, , «Guadalupe. Un roadtrip fantástico», de la poeta Angélica Freitas y el dibujante Odyr, y «Meal. Almuerzo de bichos», este apto para lectores jóvenes. Los dos abordan la temática desde la cotidianidad y el humor 😉

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George Orwell is trending and my daughter and I have just read the graphic novel for animal farm. This is such a beautiful book and the image of Napoleon taking the puppies from their mother to be “educated” moved me to tears.

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i have to read a graphic novel for school and the illustrations in animal farm are beautiful and so unique for a graphic novel (drawn by odyr)

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