Happy to have partners back to Ireland w a new masterclass focusing on the connection between portfolio + self-promotion & your career success + longevity. Thurs 4th April 6-9pm

Book here:

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Welcoming our partners back to Ireland w a new masterclass focusing on the connection between portfolio + self-promotion & your career success + longevity. Thurs 4th April 6-9pm

Book here:

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Great to have our partners back in Ireland w a new masterclass focusing on the connection between portfolio + self-promotion & your career success + longevity. Don’t miss out book now Thurs 4th April 6-9pm

Book here:

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We’re excited to have our partners return to Irish shores + give you what you asked for – Don’t miss this self-promotion + business strategy masterclass Thurs 4th April 6-9pm

Book here:

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Mary Petty, one of Chris Ware’s favourite New Yorker cover artists, created a 30-year series of covers.

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It takes a certain type of revolutionary to think of making art with coding and that is exactly what and has done. His work has been featured in museums and events all over the world and now we are welcoming it to the stage.

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Loving these illustraions from speaker for magazine
200 x Early Bird Tix just released.

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Good luck for Shame I can't come as speaking Sao Paulo. Great warm up for my 2017 talk!

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Get stuck into our preview of Day Three at w/ + more

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Get inspired by , + more for the early price of €100 // 2016 // http://t.co/z0z3xHc5hD

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